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Adventures in Pandacorn City

Welcome to "Adventures in Pandacorn City," AKA my world. I've decide that even though I currently live in one place and that place has a name, I wanted a City that would encompass everywhere I would ever live, visit, fly/drive through, eat at, etc. Hence the name Pandacorn, cause I believe that Pandas and Unicorns make everything better. Wouldn't you agree? If you don't, you probably won't like this website/blog and should go find some less random website to read. But for those of you who decide to stay I hope you enjoy it.


Now to kind of introduce myself, but first a few questions: Ever talk to someone and in mid-sentence you forget what on earth you were talking about? Meet someone new and literally thirty seconds after they tell you their name, you realize you can't remember their name for the world? Were you the kid that had to study for hours because you would read one thing and five minutes later wonder what the chapter was about?


I feel your pain, because I also suffer from RAML (AKA Random & Annoying Memory Loss) In case you are wondering, that's not real, but I would like to think it is... Since I have RAML I have decided I would like to start documenting my life better through Scrapbooking/Blogging/Journals so that by age 30 I can still remember things, for example: what my hubby said to me the night he proposed, what birds I have seen in the
world (yes, that is important), or that my lil' bro gave
me a cute valentine. So here is my attempt, please
enjoy and don't hesitate to shoot me an email on
the "Where Am I" page. I would love to hear from


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